Sunday, December 20, 2009

Am I Done Yet???

Well, Im finally finished with my Christmas cards...whew. It was a long process, but worth it. Hope everyone likes them! Now onto the baking...Lots of baking that is. Since my Mom and Ronnie have everything in the world, the last 3 or 4 years now I have been making them big goodie baskets with junk, goodies and munchies. Who doesn't love that!!! Needless to say they look forward to it every year. Mom made a point to ask me this year if I was going to do a goodie basket for them, and when I said yes she did this little dance that was soooo funny, I could not help but crack up laughing. The woman is just crazy with a double z!!! I am making them for Joey's co-workers as well so I need to get a move on it. Today and tomorrow are my baking days and then on to the cooking.....I just love Christmas!!!!

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